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At Edleston Primary School, we work on our motto, 'Where every day is an opportunity to shine.'  We pride ourselves on providing a learning environment where children grow develop and achieve in safe and supporting surroundings. We aim to instil in all our children a passion for learning; we want the children to get the most out of life and be ambitious for their futures.

We also have a duty to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values are embedded throughout our curriculum and promoted to ensure that our children are ready to leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

Our curriculum at Edleston is not solely focussed on academic subjects and achievement; we provide pupils with rich learning experiences, educational visits, residentials and enrichment opportunities. We want our children to have fun at school and talk about their primary years being full of great memories. To be able to apply ideas you need to experience it - and this is something we all firmly believe in at Edleston - learning by doing.

When planning our curriculum, we have carefully considered the needs of our pupils, families and our community.

We want learning to be meaningful and memorable so that our pupils are ready for the next step in the learning journey. We believe that our approach will create well-rounded and life-long learners who are prepared for the challenges and adventures that await them. 

Our vision is to provide an overall education which prepares each pupil with the tools and strategies needed to cope with challenges they may face and we aim to ensure that our children know how to make a positive contribution to their community and wider society.

Our full curriculum policy can be found below with further links to our curriculum pages which contain more information for individual subjects.

Individual subject policies are available on request. 

You can find out more about our curriculum by visiting our class pages.


For further information on the National Curriculum visit:

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